Jei esate mergina, siųskite SMS žinutę su tekstu skelbti m tekstas numeriu 1679.
For example: skelbti m 23 years old girl is seeking for a boyfriend.
Jei esate vaikinas, siųskite SMS žinutę su tekstu skelbti v tekstas numeriu 1679.
For example: skelbti v A guy from Kaunas is looking for adventures.
Žinutės kaina 0,99 €.
The rules of SMS dating
Service is available for clients of mobile operators Bite, Omnitel and Tele2. Message price will be included to your mobile phone bill. For wrong sent messages ieskok.lt is not taking responsibility. If you have not received payment confirmation please contact pagalba@paysera.lt . If you have any questions please email us at info@ieskok.lt.
Get phone number. Siųsk SMS žinutę su tekstu tel 12953 numeriu 1679. Kaina 1,99 €. Įsigykite ieskok.lt VIP narystę ir visus numerius gaukite nemokamai!
27m zavi , rimtai ziurinti i gyvenima panele , iesko vaikino ilgalaikiams santykiams. VILNIUS
Sex: female
Age: 27
Region: Vilnius
Announced 2015 June 17 8:58
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